Tuesday, January 27, 2009



do I feel your distance or mine,

do I fell your resignation or mine,

do I feel your sadness or mine,

do I see your pain or mine,

do I see your insensibility that you're hiding or mine,

is it only me in this?

Where is you?

Are you hiding or is it me that is not looking,

is it me again seeing another mirror in you or is it you putting a mirror against the world,

is this all still science-fiction,

is this again just a futile inquiry into the nature of things,

is this again me...

Is this still possible?


I am certain what I see is true.

But you have a different way.

Your hairpin bends are just crossing mine.

It is a coincidence.

Go, live your science-finction then, I'll stay with mine.

You have a different Pakua.

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