Friday, April 13, 2007


Shit I am going in deep into Google. I am adding more and more functions and all of them seem to be very useful. That is useful for people who use multiple computers simultaneously. I hope that finally I can forget to worry about changing or crashing computers or changing jobs. This is cool and like it. Blogging is also exemplary to some changes that I see in me lately. They're all positive. Maybe it is all just a matter of the coming summer or the love I got. But fuck people: I am starting to care less and less. Analysing my hapiness always spoiled everything 'cause I'd always find something to be wary about. Always. This is sick. And sometimes I felt a bit sick. But now - God - now I feel sick because I suddenly see all this. It's like too much information at once. I can't even think of how important these observations are to me.